The Empire Builders Podcast


#116: Smirnoff – What a roller coaster ride…

Two entrepreneurs, Russian Revolution, Prohibition, A-1 Steak Sauce, Grey Poupon mustard, two buddies having drinks over a failed business and a book turned movie. Dave Young: Welcome to the Empire ...
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#115: Singer – Built a Better Sewing Machine But Nobody Bought It Until…

Isaac Singer had 2 passions, being a travelling actor, and inventing and improving things. He used one to fund the other. Dave Young: Welcome to The Empire Builders Podcast, teaching ...
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#114: Patreon – Spotify Kickstarted Patreon

When Spotify showed up and interrupted his revenue stream, Jack Conte didn’t roll over, he found a way to to help all creators. Dave Young: Welcome to the Empire Builders ...
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#113: Joseph Rosefield – Father of Peanut Butter

Apparently copywrite laws were pretty weak during the great depression, so, Joseph Rosefield started Peter Pan and Skippy peanut butter. Dave Young: Welcome to The Empire Builders Podcast, teaching business ...
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#112: Tetris – Digital Anxiety or Awesome Game?

Alexey Pajitnov was supposed to build voice recognition software for the Russian government. Instead he built a video game and gave it away. Dave Young: Welcome to the Empire Builders ...
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