The Empire Builders Podcast


#047: Whole Foods – How passion became an empire

Whole Foods was founded in 1980 as a 10,500-foot location in Austin, TX. Thirty-seven years later, in 2017, Amazon bought it for $13.8B. Discover what made it attractive to Amazon. ...
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#046: Nespresso – 400 Nespresso’s drunk every second

Nespresso, a startup that failed twice before it took off, even though the machines were cheaper, no training was required, and it produced better quality coffee. It took glamour to ...
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#045: KFC – The secret 11 herbs and spices

He never gave up, put crazy miles on his car, promoted and sold Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), and worked well into his seventies.  Dave Young: Welcome to The Empire Builders ...
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#044: James Watt – The marketing story of horsepower

Cars are marketed today using the term horsepower. However, the term was created long before cars. Find out why James Watt invented the term. Dave Young: Welcome to The Empire Builders podcast, teaching ...
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#043: Fox 40 – From referee to whistle entrepreneur

Ron Foxcroft launched his new business by blowing a whistle to get everyone’s attention. This quick demonstration showed he had solved the problem and understood his customer. Dave Young: Welcome ...
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