The Empire Builders Podcast


#036: Hathaway Shirts and the most interesting man in the world, coincidence?

Hathaway shirt ads, the picture makes you read the headline, encouraging you to read the first line of body copy. The first line of copy makes you read the next ...
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#035: Ford Model T – I can’t get the pig slaughter house out of my mind.

What Henry Ford learned from a slaughter house and how it changed the world. Dave Young: Welcome to the Empire Builders Podcast, teaching business owners the not-so-secret techniques that took ...
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#034: Springfree Trampoline – I’m a bad dad; I never got my kids a trampoline.

“I wanted a trampoline for my daughter. My wife said they were too dangerous. So I invented my own.” Dr. Keith Alexander, founder of Springfree, dedicated himself to creating the ...
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#033: Chiclets – Candy-coated gum or tree sap?

Chiclets, how boiling plant sap leads to the discovery of chewing gum. One partner runs away. The other makes millions. How not to be blinded by the pursuit of the ...
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Warren Buffet

#032: Warren Buffett – His investing strategy needed a new business model

Just because that’s how things are done doesn’t mean it will work for you or your customers. Warren Buffet’s customer-first investment strategy caused him to rethink the entire investment business ...
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