The Empire Builders Podcast


#131: Michael Kors – Brave, Bankrupt and Brilliant

Michael Kors was always destined for fashion. Modelling at a young age to losing everything and starting again. Open to adapting is his legacy. Dave Young: Welcome to the Empire ...
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#130: Poinsettia – Mexican Shrub to Christmas Icon

What started with an obsession with a beautiful Mexican shrub, turned into a Billion dollars in annual sales and a patent on the flower. Dave Young: Welcome to The Empire ...
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#129: Angie’s List – From Intern to Internet

Bill Oesterle just wanted an easier way to renovate his home. Angie Hicks was a bright young intern. From answering phones to half of a Billion dollars. Dave Young: Welcome ...
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#128: Behind The Scenes – Dave Young

Who is Dave Young and why does he make such a good side kick? Is it a short attention span or his years of radio and business acumen? Let’s find ...
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#127: Wonder Bread – The best thing since…

Eliminate the friction… That is what Lee Marshall did time and time again to keep Wonder Bread and Hostess at the top. Even taking pointers from milk. Dave Young: Welcome ...
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