The Empire Builders Podcast


#015: An interview with a small business that applied the Wrigley formula from episode 4

Meet Rick Showers.  He does not sell gum.  He sells used RVs and he applied the lessons from Wrigley’s and is growing like crazy.  New sales record after new sales ...
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#014: The birth of Play-doh. A cleaning agent becomes a toy.

Play-doh, seriously, it was not a toy.  This is serious stuff.  Learn how observing how your customer is using your products can lead to new product ideas and maybe even ...
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Sony Walkman

#013: Get rid of all the bells and whistles. The Birth of the Sony Walkman

The staff, the critics, and retailers all said it would fail.  It lacked all the things people wanted but gave them one thing they had not thought about.  And a ...
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Canada goose

#012: How to marry brick and mortar with online retailing. The Canada Goose way.

Canada Goose is the second fastest growing luxury brand in the world.  They have created an amazing store experience that at the same time makes it easier to manage the ...
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#011: Retailers Beware!

This is a departure.  In this episode Stephen Semple shares trends that he is seeing that is being embraced by retailers.  Trends that are dangerously wrong.  David Young: Welcome to ...
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