The Empire Builders Podcast


#044: James Watt – The marketing story of horsepower

Cars are marketed today using the term horsepower. However, the term was created long before cars. Find out why James Watt invented the term. Dave Young: Welcome to The Empire Builders podcast, teaching ...
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#043: Fox 40 – From referee to whistle entrepreneur

Ron Foxcroft launched his new business by blowing a whistle to get everyone’s attention. This quick demonstration showed he had solved the problem and understood his customer. Dave Young: Welcome ...
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#042: Wrigley’s Origin – You buy the baking powder you get the gum

How the power of premiums created an empire.  Guess what the baking powder was used to sell? Dave Young: Welcome to the Empire Builders Podcast, teaching business owners the not ...
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#041: Nike – It took them seven years to break $1M in revenue

It was always about the runner. Nike goes from distributor to shoe manufacturer to work directly with the customer. Dave Young: Welcome to the Empire Builders Podcast, teaching business owners the not ...
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#040: IMG – International Management Group. Who are these people?

Named the most powerful man in sports by Sports Illustrated in 1990, Mark McCormack founded the International Management Group in 1960. He started with Arnold Palmer and grew a sports ...
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